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Wooden Double Glazed Window Prices | Hardwood Double Glazing Windows

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Wooden window frames look great - find out how much wooden double glazed windows cost.

How much does a Wooden Double Glazed Window cost?

Average cost in UK: £305

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The average cost for a Wooden Double Glazed Window is £305. You are likely to spend between £111 and £468 total. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details.

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How much does a Wooden Double Glazed Window cost?

Average cost in UK: £305

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The average cost for a Wooden Double Glazed Window is £305. You are likely to spend between £111 and £468 total. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details.

Wooden double glazing windows cost summary

Price Range = £111 to £468

Average Cost = £305

Cheapest Price = £111


Installing double-glazed wooden windows is a great way to renovate your property and improve both the look and energy efficiency of your property. The diverse range of woods and styles available allows you to select a grain that blends neatly into the exterior of your home, while the most advanced double-glazing technology traps heat and improves sound insulation for every room – so you get the best of both worlds in a single purchase!


Prices for double-glazed wooden windows will vary according to where you shop and what type of wood you’re looking for, but the following measurements should help to give you a general idea about the average costs for each window unit (prices listed for oak wood only):

Remember, these prices are just estimates based on a single source – for a more comprehensive pricing guide or to find the best deal possible you should get in touch with a number of different window companies and contractors, you should be able to get a quote purposefully suited to your specific wooden window needs.

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