If you want to increase the safety of your home or business, purchasing new fire extinguishers might be just the thing.
How much does a Fire Extinguisher cost?
Average cost in UK: £31
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How much does a Fire Extinguisher cost?
Average cost in UK: £31
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If you live in a particularly large property, or are simply worried about having insufficient fire preventative measures in your home, then purchasing new fire extinguishers might just be the thing to keep you and your family feeling safe.
Fire Extinguishers Cost Summary
a) Price Range – £8 to £60
b) Average Cost – £31
c) Best/Cheapest Cost – £8
Sometimes, living with a large family in a large property can have its drawbacks, as you won’t be able to keep an eye on kids and other relatives every hour of the day. And unfortunately, fire hazards are a very real potential-danger for nearly all home-owners, and the risk of one starting in your home shouldn’t be underestimated. If you’re worried about the chance of it occurring where you are, or if you simply want to put your mind at rest with a sensible, preventative measure that is far from unnecessary, then purchasing a single or multiple fire extinguishers for your home could not be easier!Firstly, you should be aware that not all fires are the same, and the type of fires that can be put out with your new extinguisher will depend on the size and/or model of your purchase; so before you hand over the cash you should make sure you are getting the design most suited to your home environment. According to European Standards, fires are classed in the UK as follows:
- Class A – ordinary combustible materials, i.e. flammable solids; includes wood, paper, straw, coal and textiles.
- Class B – flammable liquids, such as petrol, alcohol or gasoline.
- Class C – flammable gases – such as natural gas.
- Class D – combustible metals, such as titanium, magnesium, calcium, potassium or sodium – important for extinguishers purchased for workshops or small laboratories.
- Class F – Cooking fat or oil.
Under the European Standard “Classification of fires” (EN 2:1992, incorporating amendment A1:2004) electrical fires remain unclassified throughout most of the continent, but some fire extinguishers will still be able to put them out – just make sure you check the model beforehand to be absolutely certain. Your new extinguisher can be bought as either a stand-alone purchase or as part of a Home Safety Pack, which includes a wide range of fire safety material and are available at almost all major retailers or DIY outlets. But exactly how much does a fire extinguisher cost?
Different Models of Fire Extinguisher
The types of fire extinguisher available are as follows, listed along with the different fire extinguisher prices:
- Small Foam Extinguisher – this usually weighs between 1-2kg, and is perfect for use in cars and other small vehicles, garages and/or kitchens or even a personal workshop. A small extinguisher will usually cost anything between £8 to £15.
- Large Foam/Water Extinguisher – larger extinguishers are preferable if you’re looking for something to suit a larger kitchen and dining area, or if you have a living room (or multiple rooms) containing a fireplace. It is important to remember, however, that WATER is suitable for Class A fires ONLY; it only aggravates gasoline or metal-combusting fires, which can lead to more significant damage and put you and your family or friends at risk. Water extinguishers (with a 9-litre volume) do, however, cost as little as £20 to £30, while large foam ones can usually be found for around £30 to £40.
- Basic Home Safety Pack – this will include: a 1kg dry-powder fire extinguisher that can suppress both Class A and B fires and sometimes electrical ones too; a home-smoke alarm; a 1x1m fire blanket; and a fire-safety handbook. This pack can usually be found for as cheap as £25 to £45.
- Extensive Home Safety Pack – this will include: a 2kg dry-powder fire extinguisher, perfect for use on Class A and B and electrical fires; a model that comes with a four metre jet range, a durable valve, gauge and spray nozzle, and a wire-fixing bracket; a Government approved home smoke alarm; a carbon-monoxide detector; a 1×1 metre fire blanket; and a fire-safety and instillation handbook. This extensive pack can usually be purchased for a bargain price considering the volume of equipment – usually somewhere between £40 to £60*.
Fire Extinguisher Refill Cost
If you plan on your new fire extinguisher becoming a permanent feature in your home, then you will also need to look into maintaining the model regularly; and to keep down your fire extinguisher cost this includes purchasing refills every few years or so (or after use). Prices will vary depending on the type of extinguisher you have (make, model etc.) and the type of refill you need (foam, water), but a standard refill pack can usually be bought for anything between £15 to £75*.Although fire extinguishers aren’t exactly standard home-safety appliances, it is important to remember that they prove vital in saving lives and reducing fire damage in numerous commercial and industrial buildings across the UK – so having them in your home won’t do any harm, and don’t worry too much over the actual cost of fire extinguishers; it’s always better to have one than not. To make sure you get the model that is right for your home you should always purchase from a reputable fire extinguisher company; they will usually ensure all designs are certified under the British Standards EN3: 1996, which regulates the sale of fire-safety appliances to domestic customers.
*All prices sourced based on the evaluation of multiple models and packs available.