A hip-to-gable loft conversion will give you extra space and can increase the value of your property. Get the latest hip to gable loft conversion costs here.
How much does a Hip to Gable Loft Conversion cost?
Average cost in UK: £33k
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The average cost for a hip to gable loft conversion is £33000. You are likely to spend between £30000 and £35000 total. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details.
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How much does a Hip to Gable Loft Conversion cost?
Average cost in UK: £33k
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The average cost for a hip to gable loft conversion is £33000. You are likely to spend between £30000 and £35000 total. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details.
How Much Does it Cost for a Hip to Gable Loft Conversion?
A hip-to-gable loft conversion will give you extra space and can increase the value of your property. Get the latest hip to gable loft conversion costs here.
A hip-to-gable loft conversion will give you extra space and can increase the value of your property. Get the latest hip to gable loft conversion costs here.
If you fancy converting your unused loft area into a new room, there are several ways to go about it. If you have a regularly ‘hipped’ roof – that is, a sloping side – then a standard loft conversion is probably out of the question; the diagonally sloping ceiling results in a small volume area and poor amount of headroom for potential residents or guests. Plus hipped roofs aren’t always able to support the beams and joists required in a traditional conversion. Fortunately, there is always the option of a hip-to-gable loft conversion – a great way to maintain the structural and aesthetic integrity of your home and still create that extra living space you desperately need.
What is a Hip to Gable Loft Conversion?
A hip-to-gable conversion means basically swapping that sloping side of your roof for a wall that fits vertically to the full height of the property, thus extending the ridge line of your home – then filling the gap left in between with your new loft space or living area. The gable wall is fitted into the masonry or stud work on whichever side of the building the ‘sloping’ roof falls, while the surrounding roof panels are adjusted to fit neatly along the sides of the new wall. It sounds more complicated than it is, but this increased space provides enough room to be used as an office or study, play area or additional living room – and can even accommodate a fully-integrated staircase.
Some properties may not be suitable for hip-to-gable conversions, for instance, chalets and bungalows are not particularly suited to cope with the pressure of all the exterior work a hip-to-gable conversion requires, and your roof usually needs to be at least 2.2 meters tall (although this is not always the case). It’s, therefore, important to be aware of all the facts before you start planning your home improvement and – more importantly – spending money on any preliminary requirements. Once you are sure your property is suited to the conversion, then you can start comparing quotes and preparing your home for a fantastic new investment that is sure to be completed in a matter of weeks.
Hip-to-Gable loft Conversion Price Guide
But how much does a hip-to-gable loft conversion cost? Well, after a bit of research we have managed to obtain the following figures from a few different loft conversion websites:
- A Hip to Gable loft conversion will cost between £30,000 and £35,000
Hip-to-Gable Loft Conversion Cost Summary:
- Price Range = £30,000 to £35,000
- Average Cost = £33,000
- Cheapest Price = £30,000

Of course, these prices are just averages based on a number of assumptions about the cost of a hip-to-gable loft conversion for a three-bedroom semi-detached property. If you want more specific quotes tailored to the particulars of your home, then you should contact an architect or loft conversion company to take a look at the space you have and work out just how much the conversion will set you back.